DataLife Engine > Версия для печати > Will and Grace online

DataLife Engine > Версия для печати > Will and Grace online
DataLife Engine > Версия для печати > Will and Grace onlineSeason 1:Karen told Jack the traumatic story of Stan choking at dinner the night before. She was fortunate enough to have the busboy save his life with CPR. Jack brought in a dummy so Karen could be trained on saving a life.Rob and Ellen stopped by Will’s office to cancel out on game night. They confessed to Will that Grace was too competitive and took the fun out of the games. Will convinced them to attend. Later that night, Will told Grace she was too competitive at games like Scrabble and Charades. Grace defended herself and said Will is just as bad.The electrician at Grace’s shop started choking and collapsed. Karen was the only one there and had to administer CPR on the man. Her life-saving efforts were praised by the hunky EMT. She was busy flirting with him when Jack interrupted to tell Karen her husband and stepchildren were waiting outside. Grace, Will, Rob, and Ellen went bowling. Grace decided to be less competitive and it was bothering Will. After losing in bowling to Rob and Ellen, Will took Grace aside and told her to start acting competitive. She told Will that he was the annoying competitive one. They both decided to win the game. …….Season 2